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Our strengths

  • Impartial, Neutral and Balanced:
  • Voluntary, Non-judgemental and non-directive
  • Experts' Involvement


Joe Behan BE, CEng, FIEI, DLS, FCIArb

Joe Behan

Joe Behan

He is an experienced mediator, conciliator, arbitrator and adjudicator.

His practice specialist areas are commercial and family mediation as well as arbitration, adjudication  and conciliation.

Joe sits on many professional ADR panels of mediators, conciliators, adjudicators and arbitrators for bodies such as the Law Society, Engineers Ireland, Construction Industry Federation, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) and Eirgrid(SEMO).  He sits on international panels in Dubai and China.

Joe is a mediation Fellow  with the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) and is an accredited mediator with CIArb.

Joe also delivers mediation training programmes around the world.

He served as the international President of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators in 2010

Joe is course director, tutor and assessor in mediation and arbitration training with the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.

Joe is a chartered engineer and Fellow of Engineers Ireland.

Ruth Behan B.A. Dip MED, Dip Psych, ACIArb

Ruth Behan

Ruth is an experienced Mediator in both the commercial and family sectors and has extensive experience as a professional Trainer.  She has over 20 years experience in business management.  She has a private practice in Psychotherapy and Couple Counselling spanning 15 years. She is an approved tutor and assessor in Mediation with the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.  Ruth has been appointed an International Trainer with Psychology of Vision.

She co-delivered mediation training programme modules at National University Maynooth of Ireland.

She has an innate ability to listen to understand and engage conflicting parties in all areas of dispute resolution. Through her broad skill base she provides innovative interaction in dispute resolution and training programmes.